A few times this past week I have been reminded there is but one goal. Just one. Not more. Not less. One.
Of course, that is dependent on the lens in which you peer through. I prefer to see through the biblical lens for many reasons. Most importantly, I believe.
I believe, when the Lord says this life on planet earth is but a vapor and eternity matters. He means it. (James 4:14)
I believe, when the Lord says everything in this world shall fade away but what is done for him will last. He means it. (1 John 2:17)
I believe, when the Lord says loving him with all our heart, mind, and soul is the first and most important commandment of all other instruction. He means it. (Matthew 22:37)
I believe, when the Lord says that every knee shall bow and tongue confess that He is Lord. He means it. (Philippians 2:10-11)
I believe, when the Lord says there are some who know all about him but he knows them not. He means it. (Matthew 7:21-23)
I believe, when the Lord says if I will give him my whole life he will delight in the details of my life. He means it. (Psalm 37:23)
I believe, when the Lord says there is but one goal and that is my soul. He means it. (Hebrews 13:14)
I. Believe.
Because I believe, I am willing to pray from a desperate place in the corners of my heart that surrender my loved ones over to the palm of his hand as I say, whatever it takes.
Each of us have a different threshold for the humbling of our hearts before Mighty God where he gently in love picks us up out of the mud of life, cleans us up, and sets our feet upon the rock of his foundation.
Some of us are more stubborn than others. His love relentlessly pursues for longer.
Some of us run harder, farther, and faster than others. His love relentlessly pursues without tiring for the chase.
Some of us hide in the dark corners of the shifting shadows of sin farther back in the room than others. His love relentlessly pursues longer until the light dissipates the darkness.
Some of us have to crawl in the valley of the shadow of death until we are near death more than others. His love relentlessly pursues longer until he ever so gently breathes the breath of life into our dry bones as he restores life.
Likely, every single one of us had someone who loved us deeply enough believing there is but one truth, pray a prayer of desperation, whatever it takes.
When we know not what to utter, the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. At times, I find that I know who I am praying for. Other times, I do not. God always does. (Romans 8:26-27)
The hardest part for me, in these moments, is remembering, I am entrusting the loved ones I so deeply desire to see find their way to Jesus, into the hands of Jesus before they say yes to Jesus. I pray, my God, whatever it takes for them to find their way to you. The only goal, is their soul.
I cry.
I pray.
I worry so I pray more.
I cry, again.
Every once in a while the God of the universe is so gracious that he gives me a glimpse of the beauty he is making from ashes in their lives and mine. That vision is so clear in my mind as I pray. Faith is elevated. Joy replaces sorrow. Peace fulfills my once troubled mind. Hope steps in where desperation was moments ago. I am reminded of the good plans God has in store for abundance of blessing.
And then…
Whatever it takes, begins to take on a whole new meaning as hard times fall. Hurts, scrapes, bruises, and aches present. The vision I had earlier begins to fade and blur off in the distance. I know it’s still there. I just can’t see it very clearly. I begin, naturally, to doubt that I saw it at all. It feels so far away. Surreal.
Until I replace my lens with a view through faith and not by sight.
Then, only then, can I see around the bend to the blurred space in front of me awaiting my arrival. Over. Here. That is where we are going. Because God said it and I believe it.
That simple.
He said it.
I believe it.
Therefore, it is mine. Victory is mine. Overwhelming victory to be precise.
For now, I put one foot in front of the other, reminding myself, I believe.
Whatever. It. Takes.
I am not sure what you have prayed for from the desperate place of an aching heart. What I know is profoundly and simply this; God is faithful and good. He said it. It’s done. Take rest in that.
Much love,