Sometimes in our youth and immaturity we don’t realize the value of a gift we are given. Instead of valuing the gift we discard it, disrespect it, or simply don’t realize the full value of the gift. We might appreciate it but not really understand how valuable it is.
I remember as a young teenager getting the keys and driving off. Feeling free and excited. It didn’t even matter where I was going: anywhere was good. I would drive my mothers ford festiva. A little black two door hatchback with a red pinstripe down the side. Maybe $10 to fill it up. Probably more like $7. Back when gas cost 99 cents a gallon. It ran forever on a little bit of nothing in the tank.
But you see it was probably my mothers prized possession. Her first car with a payment. Brand spanking new. And her only reliable means of transportation for work.
I was appreciative of the ability to drive myself places but not a single clue at the significance of the gift it was to drive her only means of transportation. So, I pushed the gas a little hard. Stepped on the brakes a little harder. Ran it out of gas a few times. Well; my sister might tell you that happened more than a few times. Left it on the side of the road while I walked to fetch gas. Eventually I wrecked it. Totaled. Unappreciated. By me.
As we age we gain maturity. And appreciate things a little more. Now that I’m older I recognize the significance of the gift it was to get to drive. Especially when I consider it was my mothers only means of transportation for work. And we didn’t live in a big city. Uber didn’t exist. Work was 35 miles from home. Taxis were unheard of in rural southwest America.
This isn’t much different than our immature lives as a Christian. We under appreciate the value of the gift God has so preciously given. His gift of salvation.
We didn’t earn it. By grace we were given the gift of salvation.
God saved you by his special favor when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. Ephesians 2:8-9
You see I might have thought I earned the right to drive the car. I worked. Held a drivers license. And was 17. But I didn’t earn it. The privilege of driving it was a gift.
The privilege of being saved; is a gift.
It costs us nothing. But it cost him agony, suffering, rejection, and being despised. Unjustly. For he did no wrong. He lived a blameless life. Yet died hung by nails on a cross for you and I. To freely give the gift of salvation by no merit of our own. Rather by his grace. Only by his grace.
As we get a little bit “older” in our walk with Christ we come to realize the full value of his gift. That realization becomes our why behind our praise. Irrespective of the battles we face in this life, the gift he so freely gave becomes the why behind our praise. Because he is worthy. Always. In our darkest hour he is still good.
If you’ve not recognized the value of your gift today, you can right now. You can come back to him and receive his gift again. Ask with a repentant heart. Thank him for his gift. Realize it’s not because you’re worthy but because He is.
If you’ve managed to hold onto your salvation but haven’t given it the place of high regard in your life it deserves. You can do that right now too. You can begin to thank him for his goodness. Place him first above all else in your life today. The value of the gift is second to none.
When we get a trophy for some event in our lives. We put it on display. Right out in the open. I remember winning first place in a bible quizzing meet at the state. I was 12 years old. So very proud. I earned a trophy. When I came home I placed it right on my shelf for all to see. Every time I walked by it I made sure there was no dust. That it was straightened and shiny. I kept it for years: on display. If anyone came to my house I brought it off the shelf and told them about it. My heart swelled with as much pride every time I told the story as the day I stood there accepting the trophy.
It’s time we get God off the shelf and put him on display in our lives. The gift of salvation he freely gave is invaluable to you and deserves the respect and dignity of your most prized treasure. Because that’s exactly what it is. Your most prized treasure. Share the good news of the gift he gave you and has for others. Boldly. Confidently. Loudly. With love. Pray for boldness in your testimony (Acts 4:29).
I would encourage you to evaluate where you’ve placed him in your life. Does he come after work? After your family? A day or two a week. Or before your feet hit the ground in the morning does he get your first attention. Do you recognize the value of the gift? Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be. Matthew 6:23
Do you seek the kingdom of heaven like it’s the treasure of your life?
Matthew 14:44 The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field…and to get the treasure, too!
Know the value of your ultimate gift. Bobbie