Earlier this week I discussed her birthday and what it meant. Showed her four fingers to represent her age. To which she promptly replied, no. She had no interest in being four. Instead she would just be five. Oh the joy of being four.
The next day I watched her stand in front of her baby sister teaching her. She said we will be one. As she taught her to hold up just one finger and say one. Baby sister stared at her with captivating eyes and a diligent attempt to hold up one finger repeating “one”. Big sister was determined to teach.
As I pondered my observation i found it to be rather intriguing. What I found most intriguing was their determination. Big sister to teach. Little sister to learn.
Later in the week I recalled a time recently that I was sick & miserable. This same determined toddler gently held my shirt in her left hand as she stroked my cheek with her right hand. She kissed my forehead and told me how much she loved & was sorry I was so sick.
I would love to say that I immediately cherished the moment for its value. But I didn’t. I melted into a self pity ball of emotion with a response of “yes, I am sick”. You’re absolutely right. It was whiny voice & all. To which she simply continued to love me.
Last night I thought of the value of these moments. The significance of the lesson embedded within them. I’ll share.
Her act of gentle loving kindness wasn’t directly taught. Her determination to patiently teach her little sister wasn’t either. I never sat & said this is how. How we show compassion. How we show love. This is how we teach, patiently. How we don’t give up. But the opportunity presented & she reverted to the lessons she knew. The ones she had learned.
Our actions imprinted the “how to” on her heart.
As a parent my biggest failure has been to talk the talk without walking the walk. Actions are what teaches. Not our words. I mistakenly talked a lot to my kids and others about morals, ethics, good life decisions, without always displaying actions that showed what it was to live them.
So, I asked myself. And, I ask you.
If we never spoke a word. What would our testimony be.
What attribute of Christ would we show the world and our family. With our actions. When they fall short of our expectations. When we have a bad day. Or, when we have a good day. When life is hard. When all is well. What does our walk display & teach about Christ.
Sometimes you’re the only bible people read.
What chapter & what verse are they reading. Courtesy of you.
Sometimes an interaction with you is the only experience to date with Jesus they’ve had.
Does your actions draw them closer to a desire for the joy, love, compassion, truth, and mercy of Jesus.
Or, push them away.
Ephesians 5:1-2;15-17
“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us & offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.”
“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do”
Let you actions be a testimony of God’s love. Teach his lessons. Please.