The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers in the fields. Matthew 10:37
This past week I was reminded of the work there is to be done irrespective of how I feel today. The morning started out pleasant and productive. And a single message changed the mood of my morning. The drive to work was a little harder as my spirit felt a little heavier.
You see it’s just that quick we can go from feeling like we are ready to take on the world to simply going through the motions today because our emotions are heavy hearted. And miss our mission.
If we allow ourselves to be consumed in the sea billows of our sorrows we will miss the opportunities God lays before us to do his work. Bless others. Love others. Pray for others. Pray with others. Because we are drowning in our own emotions for the burden we choose to carry through the day. Yes, I say choose to carry because it’s a choice. It may not feel like a choice. But it is. As we walk with God seeking to do his work we have to choose first to give him our all. We can’t give him our all if we cover ourselves in a burden he offers to carry for us. Because we will find ourselves distracted and consumed by the emotion of the burden. Missing the work there is to be done.
I remember a time when I thought people in ministry had it all figured out. Their lives must have been put together so well that it didn’t ever distract them from blessing others. Somewhere they had done it right as their children were never a worry for them. They had good health. Must have paid all their bills without fear of not having enough. Mostly their faith must have been so strong that they didn’t waiver. I’m not sure where I developed that false perception of what it took to minister to others. Because it kept me from reaching out to bless others and pray with others. I continually waited to have myself in check before I could focus on others needs.
Well, that’s not true and it’s not how it works.
We can be broken and still used by God. Miraculously. Beautifully. Compassionately. Powerfully.
Last week I was consumed with my own burden. It was on the surface of every conversation I had. Enough so that as a friend shared her hurt with me I almost missed the moment. As the day progressed I processed through and got determined that I would NOT allow a disruption in my personal life to interfere with God’s work. So, I asked him for whatever moments he had to come my way. That I would give him my concern and be witness to his goodness knowing that my everlasting Father hasn’t failed me.
Just as God is so rich in mercy he provided me with the opportunity to do his work. The same opportunity I had passed by earlier in the day. He is gracious and kind. Forgiving. Loving. And makes a way where there seems to be no way. We prayed. He gave me counsel and encouragement for my friend and their situation. He blessed.
Friend, today, I ask you, what are you carrying that is getting in the way of your ministry to others. What is a barrier to your testimony. Give it to him. Let it be with him. Trust him. And go about your work for him. Let your life be blessed and known by the work you do for God. Be the vessel that he flows through. There is a lost and dark world. One of which we are called to be a light in.
Make the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evil days. Ephesians 5:16