Recently I read a news article that someone was a devout ___________ (fill in the blank). Catholic. Baptist. Methodist. Pentecostal. A devoted member of ________(fill in the blank). Many obituaries include such details as where you attend services. Normal information considering the circumstances.
Today as I thought about the truth of the gospel I couldn’t help but feel concerned for many. Many who mistakenly perceive that being a “good” person associated with a religion as a member of a local congregation is enough. The seat on the pew earns the seat in heaven. Enough that when our vapor of earthly existence is through; heaven is our home.
It simply isn’t true. It’s not enough.
Before we get deeply concerned that I’m speaking against religion or church attendance, please know I am not. For the record I am an apostolic pentecostal that is a member of a church I love. It’s not biblical to refrain from gathering together as a church body and I’m not telling you to do that. As a matter of fact, I’m saying the opposite. If you don’t have a church, get one. Get one that is bible teaching, truth preaching, holy ghost fire filled, and join with regular attendance. You can do that long before your life is in order or right. I actually recommend you do that. As I did.
So, where am I going. I’ll explain.
Our walk with God is much more significant and deep than mere attendance at a church, livestream services, or an association with a religion. We can do those things, follow all the “rules”, and still fail to know God. And if we fail to know him personally then he won’t know us when we stand before him. Even if we have performed a lot of good works in our life on earth.
Our sunday school lesson this past week taught us to remember no matter how “good” we choose to be, God wants our whole heart. He has to be first. Not second or third. First. Above all other things in our life. Money. Status. Success. Friends. Desires. God has to have the first spot. If there is something in our heart we hold higher than him, it isn’t enough. Even if it’s the only thing lacking. It’s not enough. Despite his love for us.
I read today where Paul warns the Galatians. He tells them (and us) you are trying to find favor with God by what you do or don’t do on certain days or months or seasons or years. I fear for you. Galatians 4:10-11
What a timely message for all of us. Myself included. I can’t earn the favor of God. I don’t and won’t ever deserve it. Regardless of how “good” I am. I am only saved by grace. How deep my personal relationship with Christ goes is up to me. I have to choose each day to seek him first. Even above the stuff I really love and desire. He has to be first. Nothing else will do. Nothing else will be enough to earn the privilege of being forever in his presence for eternity.
I want to encourage each of us today to evaluate where we are with God. Are we serving out of convenience. When things are going well. Are we in attendance every week for 1 hour to check a box. Is there a piece of our heart, life, and desire that we have held on to. If God asked you today to give up that ‘one thing’ for him. Would you hesitate? Give it up at all? I challenge each of us to examine how our lives inside and outside have transformed into being more Christ like because of our intimate walk with God. If it’s hard to tell, we have work to do.
Is your relationship with him personal?
When roll call happens, is your name on the list? Eternity is a long time to get it wrong. Let’s not leave anything on the table. Give it all.