In this life we are blessed with many opportunities. Opportunities we see coming and others we find ourselves in. Some we prepare for while others catch us off guard. This begs the question, what are we preparing for? What opportunity are we ready to seize. What will be lost as we aren’t ready.
Much like many of you, I listen to a song over and over for days. Mostly because it speaks to me and sometimes it’s simply I like the tune.
Early last week, my song was Confidence by Sanctus Real. I love both the beat of the music and the lyrics. Bonus.
As I belted out the lyrics in my car, I stopped. Got a little teary eyed and asked myself a question. If this opportunity were to knock am I ready? Am I even aware of the opportunity I’m asking for.
Give me a heart like Daniel in the lion’s den.
I don’t get the heart like Daniel unless I earn it. Through opportunity God gives for me to develop the heart. The heart based on an intimate relationship with God so much so that nothing else in the world matters more than Daniel’s time with God. Not the approval of a king. Nor the approval of peers, friends, and colleagues. Even in the face of a horrific death, nothing else matters more than his reverence and time spent with God his father. Daniel knew God was able to save him. But even if he chose not to, he was willing. Willing because he spent a long time before the opportunity to stand preparing for the battle he never knew was coming. God gives us opportunity. We earn a heart like Daniel. We don’t just get one. Or we won’t have one.
Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness.
I’m sure you can see where this is going. Moses earned hope in his God when nothing else around him made sense. As he stood in the face of Pharoah and waited for God’s words. When he humbled himself before God and said how can it be me. I am flawed, stutter, and don’t know what to say. He walked by faith saying yes to whatever God laid before him long before he led the children of Israel through the wilderness with an unwavering hope in the almighty God. So I asked myself, am I willing to head into the wilderness to have hope like Moses? Is that what I’m asking God for.
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense.
We all want a heart like David. God himself said David was a man after his own heart. Flawed. But humbled enough to crawl with a repentant heart back to his first and only love; God. A shepherd boy made a king. But hunted to be killed by his enemies with nothing more than God to be his defense. He faced Goliath with 3 stones and sling. Well, and a God that was more powerful than any Goliath. Again, David knew God was able but he didn’t know God would. And he was willing to risk this being the last moment he had on the earth. To face a giant able to kill him in order to stand against mocking of his God. Because he had developed an intimate relationship with God long before Goliath appeared on the scene. Nothing was more important to David. Not returning home to his beloved earthly father. Not the approval of the soldiers including his brothers. And the face of certain death. I want a heart like David. Am I willing to dance in the streets to praise my God no matter what anyone else around me thinks? Am I asking to earn a heart like David? Because that’s what God gives. Opportunity for me to earn the heart of David.
A few weeks ago as I read in the book of Mark I wrote down a few notes. Am I ready? Will I be presented with an opportunity and be ready or not.
Jesus cast out the evil spirit from the boy. The spirit that had tried to harm the boy.
Mark 9:25 “Thou dumb & deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him”
The disciples asked – why weren’t we able to cast the spirit out of him.
Jesus answered, Mark 9:29, “This kind can come forth by nothing, but prayer & fasting.”
They (disciples) were presented an opportunity but weren’t ready.
So, this begs the question, in my life, and yours today. Are you ready? Am I ready? Are we really ready…
One would think the disciples that walked with Jesus on the earth would have been ready. The countless miracles they personally witnessed Jesus perform in their midst. The sacrifice of their families to follow Jesus as he spread the ministry. Day and night for months they were with Jesus. But they weren’t ready for the work he gave them.
Have we prayed and fasted? Have I prayed and fasted? Enough to be ready when the time comes for my work to be done.
Today I want to encourage you to ask yourself if you’re preparing for the opportunity God has for you. He has called each of us to his work. Several will be anointed and accomplish much in his name. Several will not. Because several will get ready for the opportunity. While others will not.
What are you getting ready for? Which opportunity in this life are you focused on?
People it’s time. It’s time to get ready. Pray. Fast. Spend time with God developing an intimate relationship so when the opportunity presents you’ll have prepared well.