Exodus 16:4;14
We all know the story. The children of Israel were brought out of captivity by Moses. They turned their hearts on God. He turned them to the wilderness instead of straight into the promised land. Still yet, he provided a way for them. He guided their paths and rained manna from heaven for their nourishment.
Manna is described as a fine substance. Tastes like wafers made with honey. The children of Israel were provided enough for today, every day. As reliably as the sun rises and sets daily, manna came.
On our journey of life we have all sorts of days. Good days. Bad days. And really hard days. There are seasons of our life journey when one group of days outweighs the others. And other seasons when the days change like the direction of the wind.
Are you the new mom trying to hold it all together. Wondering why you can’t quite seem to get it right. Especially during this time of great joy and blessing. When everyone else around you is able to.
Maybe you’re the one struggling to find your way back to God. You strive every week to make it back to church. But something keeps getting in the way.
Or, you sit on the pew every week but feel like you don’t belong. If only they all knew where you’d been; they wouldn’t accept you now.
Are you the recovering addict fighting today for sobriety. One day at a time. Hoping you’ll be able to make it through today. At least one more day. Feeling frustrated that you walk on the brink of relapse.
You might be the person carrying a heavy burden of grief. Every day. Everywhere you go. It’s always with you. The smile on your face only serves to hide the bleeding of your heart.
You could have even sat in room with a physician recently receiving news that took your breath away. Enough that the rest of the conversation became a blur of background noise.
Your miracle may have recently come. But you can’t seem to get rid of this rollercoaster ride of emotions. Full of the why, what if, and what now.
Your job might be stressful. You’re wondering how you will make it through today. And what if you don’t. Who is paying rent next month if your job is gone.
Nugget of truth
I remember the day well. The day I learned the beauty of a nugget from God. As I drove home and became overwhelmed with all of life that was swirling around me. I pulled to the side of the road. Less than one mile from the house. Because I couldn’t figure out how I would muster up enough strength to face what I knew lay ahead of me. I was raised to know God. But I knew I had turned from him. My life was wandering in the wilderness by my own choices.
Desperate. I was desperate. So, I asked. Head laid on the steering wheel. Tear stained cheeks. A hole in my chest where my heart once beat. I asked. God I need you now. I need one nugget for today. I don’t deserve it. But I need it.
Instantly I was overwhelmed by his peace. Instead of being overwhelmed with fear, anxiety, stress, and worry. All of that was replaced by his peace and love.
Manna for today
Let me remind you what manna is. A fine substance like wafers made with honey.
God’s mercies renew everyday. Just what we need in the moment we need it. All we have to do is ask him. For one nugget today. Not only does he provide but he gives a little bonus.
Manna is sweet. Tastes like honey. His provision is what you need AND sweet.
How much does he love us that he provides exactly what we need with a treat.
So, I ask you. What is it you need today?
Or maybe you are like I was in that desperate moment. I didn’t know what I needed. I just needed a nugget of God. His provision. Enough for today.
He is waiting with your manna for today. Go to him. Ask him. You will receive.
Don’t miss out today. Go to the Lord. He is everything you need. with a sweet sweet palatable provision just for you. What a mighty God we serve. His love never fails. He is our God yesterday, today, and tomorrow. For every day of our journey. For every season.
Christine Reec says
Such a blessing to read this and needed it for today. A precious reminder of Gods unfailing love and His mercies new every morning.
Reading this blog was my nugget for today.
Thank you
Christine Reed says
Such a blessing to read this and needed it for today. A precious reminder of Gods unfailing love and His mercies new every morning.
Reading this blog was my nugget for today.
Thank you