Let Us Pray
This evening as we joined prayer meeting via Facebook Live from the comfort of our living room our 18 month old was screaming. Full meltdown mode. Alligator tears. Snotty nose. The whole kit and kaboodle as my grandma used to say. I’m not even sure kaboodle is a word.
She cried harder and louder for what felt like eternity. But we stayed connected. I figured we would at least be able to go back and listen again. After her fit. Maybe then we would actually hear.
Real Life.
She climbed into my lap. Ready to calm. Right before we started prayer.
As my family took hands to begin prayer she held her little hand to mine. We prayed. She said Amen.
Let Us Pray.
We have a lot happening around us. Everyone. Everywhere. In the middle of the chaos we are still called. Called as a Christian body to be a praying body. Called to go before the throne on behalf of our land.
“So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and fasting.” Daniel 9:3
“The moment you began praying, a command was given.” Daniel 9:23
I’ve been reading in Hebrews these past few weeks. As I begin each morning with prayer I keep coming back to the following passage of scripture.
“We can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus.” Hebrews 10:19
“Let us go right into the presence of God with true hearts, fully trusting him.” Hebrews 10:22
We come boldly before the throne with confidence in his promise. He hears our prayers because we are respectful and obedient.
As we all stand in the face of the fire, we must remember. To pray. Often I’ve heard it said in times of sorrow, uncertainty, despair, or grief that all you can do is pray. It’s the only thing left; we say. Oh honey I’ll be praying for ya. With a pitiful look upon our face and sad voice to follow.
Earlier today I said, all we can do is pray. And thank you Jesus, it’s the BEST thing we can do.
Today my friend, in the middle of your mess, let us pray. Let us pray for each other. Let us pray for our family. Let us pray for our government officials while they lead us. Let us pray for our church family. Let us pray for the lost, broken, scared, and suffering. Let us pray for our children. Let us pray for our land. Let us pray for healing. Let us pray for the people whose lives have been shattered by the impact of this. Let us pray. Let us pray on behalf of those who can’t pray for themselves.
Let us pray so much that our children know how to take our hands and go to prayer together.
Let us pray with boldness, confidence, blessed assurance, and expectation to a God who hears us.
Let us pray.