Yes or no. It’s one or the other. Maybe doesn’t count. Because maybe is really saying not right now. Essentially, no. So, it’s just a yes or a no. You choose.
We always have a choice to submit ourselves fully to all God has in store for us. We say, yes, or we say, no. One path leads to deeper love and understanding of the riches of his mercy. The other pulls us back from him.
We never really sit still. We drift. Drift away from the truth of who he is. Oh we don’t realize it at first. We mistakenly think we’re taking a break. Rest period. But that’s not it.
As I’ve been reading through several passages in the New Testament, one resounding call has been clear. A call to action. A call to growth. Deeper understanding. Broader perspective.
All of which requires intentional and deliberate focus on those personal things I’ve buried a little deeper and haven’t really submitted. The things I felt like I had resolved over time. Hurt. Anger. Bitterness. Unforgiveness. Frustration. Lack of control of my emotions. All the things that tend to leave me wondering if I’m even saved. Because they’re ugly attributes of me. The ones I thought I gave up already.
Well, they’re still here. To be dealt with more. Resurfacing until I fully submit them. Whew. This is a lot of work. Really uncomfortable work.
How am I supposed to accomplish this daunting and painful task. It’s all so overwhelming.
Philippians 2:12-16 provided a pretty good roadmap. I pulled out key features to share with you. Features that stood out to me for direction on this journey.
- Be careful. Be careful to follow the instruction of the Lord. Well; if I’m going to follow his instruction then I’m going to have to learn his instruction.
- Put into action Gods saving work. This is going to require me to let go of my sinful nature submitting it to him. The sinful nature that creeps up on me when I’m least expecting it. Thinking it’s already been dealt with. And here it is. Back again.
- Obey God. With a deep reverence and fear. Not the scary kind of fear. Rather the respectful.
- He gives you power to obey & please. Oh boy. I guess I’ll have to stop making excuses. Even when it’s hard.
- Avoid complaining and arguing. So, I have to deal with the frustrations of my painful growth period without complaint.
- Give no one reason to place blame upon me. This is hard. I have to conduct myself in a way that represents Christ. Self-control.
- Shine my light brightly in a dark world. Live worthy of my calling. Display who he is, at all times. Be the light the lost seek.
- Hold tightly to the word of life. The only word that is life is his word. This will require some sacrifice. To read and study his word, apply it to my life, and prayer for understanding of his word.
I said, yes. And then quickly discovered what I said yes to. You see I wanted growth. Agreed to the growth plan. Anxiously waited to watch his promise be fulfilled. And then I had to start growing. Taking a deeper look into who I am. What is my core? Is it really that bad. After all the work I’ve already done. How can my emotion be so raw and waiting just below the surface to creep out. Catching me off guard. Since when did I look so ugly.
Psalm 51:10 reminds us to ask God for a clean heart and the renewal of a right spirit.
That means I have to get rid of the dirty heart first. Rid bitterness. Rid anger. Rid rage. Rid harsh words. Ouch: I have to watch what I say too. And rid malicious behavior.
I said, yes. Lord I will come with a broken heart. I will give you all of my ugly. I will come from a broken and repentant heart. One you will not despise (Psalm 51:17).
This right there is what you can work with. Your word says you will not accept another sacrifice in place of my broken and repentant heart. So, for you Lord, I say, yes. I hand you my brokenness. You will honor me and restore me unto you.
Be restored today, my friend. Say yes. Yes to the king of your heart. Hide in his shadow. Rest upon him. Say yes to all he is, all he was, and all he’s going to be.
Say, yes!