It’s an honest age old question. I remember sitting as a young girl picking at the petals of a flower or pulling apart a blade of grass into small pieces asking the question. He loves me. He loves me not. Hoping to land on he loves me. The anticipation and wonder in my heart was full of nervous excitement. Oh the days.
This morning I felt compelled to answer the question. Does He Love Me. As I make an attempt to share my heart with you please know that in my mind I am preaching this message to you. With passion and enthusiasm. It’s mission critical for you to have the answer you’re seeking. Today. Right now. In this moment. So, I pray for your ears to hear, heart to receive, and mind to affirm the message God has for you today. If you are reading this blog, God has this message for you.
First we need to understand what love is. I’ll attempt an abbreviated definition for sake of time. Love per the dictionary is both a noun and a verb. It’s an intense feeling of deep affection. An unselfish loyal concern for the good of another. As a verb it’s something we do, put into action. We did something for another person’s good so we loved them. We put into action our feeling.
Biblically we know love to be pure, kind, patient, and rejoice in truth. Love is not jealous, rude, demanding of its own way, or keeps record of being wronged. Love never loses faith or gives up. Love remains hopeful enduring through every circumstance. (Corinthians 13:4-7)
We also know that love is commanded of us by our Father. We are to love others as he has loved us. (John 13:34)
This is where it can become difficult for us. How can we love others as he loves us if we don’t know he loves us.
His Word
Truth is found in his word. Promises we can hold onto in the middle of our biggest doubts and fears. Fears we all carry. Doubts we all struggle to overcome.
Here are just a few highlights from his word that answers our doubt:
Romans 5:8 tells us he sent Christ to die for you while you were yet a sinner out of love for you.
Romans 8:38-39 assures us that nothing ever can separate you from his love for you. Nothing you’ve done, said, thought, or places you’ve been. Nothing. No power in hell. No fear for today or tomorrow. Nothing.
Psalm 139 reminds each of you that he formed & knitted you together in your mother’s womb. He saw you before you were born. Knew every day and every moment of your life before a single day had passed. Fearfully & Wonderfully he made you in his image. No matter where you go his presence is still with you. Yet, knowing every thought you would ever have, good, bad, ugly, all of them, he loves you. Our minds cannot comprehend his love for us despite all of our flaws.
You Might Say
But you don’t know where I’ve been. What I’ve done. All the things I’ve said. Or felt. If you only knew.
Maybe you feel like you’re the only one. The only person who has ever thought such things. Struggled so hard. Stumbled again.
Or you’ve cried a thousand tears. Begged God for something that didn’t come. Pleaded with him. Negotiated a promise to him if only he would give you this one thing. The one thing you desire more than any other thing.
You might have suffered deep pain at the hands of someone else. Left scarred and hurt you wonder how could a God who loves you have allowed such pain.
Maybe you’ve been rejected by someone. Someone who was supposed to love you. Parent. Spouse. Friend. Family. It’s left you to wonder what love is. Solidified for you that you’re unlovable. Because if you weren’t they would have.
As your heart is tenderly hurting, your mind is questioning, and your soul cries out, hear this word of truth today.
- If you were the only person on the earth in need of salvation, Jesus Christ would have bore the stripes, carried the cross, hung to die, suffered persecution, and stood there blameless and pure accused in your place to save YOU.
- Repeat this truth replacing every (YOU) with (I).
- His love runs so deep for you that despite his knowledge of every inner fiber of your being, his thoughts are good, his love is unfailing, his grace is extended, his mercy awaits, and his presence never leaves you.
- Repeat this truth replacing every (YOU) with (ME) and (YOUR) with (MY).
“Psalm 139:17-18 How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!”
Friend, today, right where you are, stand to your feet, raise your hands, and thank him for his love for you. Reach out and let his presence consume you, heal you, love you, and fill you.