Jesus says to let the children come to him. Better yet he says for each of us to come to him like a child. With a heart of a child. Children love with all their heart. Believe with all their heart. Excitedly greet with all their heart.
Small children will excitedly greet you at the door each time you enter even if you’ve only been gone for a minute. It’s contagious. Their excitement, love, belief, and forgiveness.
This evening I want to talk about another aspect of children we don’t always celebrate with as much enthusiasm. This quality is one I feel we overlook when we talk about coming to God; child-like.
This thought reminded of an afternoon several years ago. One in which I was quite busy. Not unusual for a mother of 3 young children. Busy. Making lunch, washing dishes, and in a world of my own, I’m sure. As my daughter followed me around the kitchen talking to me. I have no idea what she was talking about. Not now and truthfully I didn’t then either. Until she quite matter of fact let me know that I wasn’t even listening to her. So, I stopped, and listened. She felt better and went on.
Fast forward to today. My 16-month old reminded me of that child-like demand for attention. She walked over saying “mom”. I saw her coming but didn’t focus my attention on her fully. So, she proceeded to say mom louder and louder until she reached me. Then she smacked my leg with her little hand as she continued to say mom louder. Until she had my full attention. Nothing short of that would do.
That is the other attribute of a child’s heart I feel like we are missing.
I don’t know about your children but I can tell you mine make their mind up and then relentlessly pursue with a level of persistence that is bar none. Until they get what they were after.
“Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds.” Matthew 7:7-8
Oh I think we share some of a child’s attributes when we are seeking something we want so badly. We cry a little. Well, maybe a lot. We whine. Tell all our friends. Hold a grudge when the answer is no. Throw a tantrum or two. And, just like a child, can’t quite comprehend why we don’t have what we want already.
But do we relentlessly pursue with a level of persistence that is bar none.
Or do we allow ourselves to grow weary. Go cold. Give up. Come back to it after a spell of time that would leave someone to think we’ve moved on and forgotten about the request.
Are we willing to sacrifice for the ask. Again. Persistently.
You know how a child has more energy and determination than you can imagine as they wear you down with their ask. That is the kind of persistence I’m asking if you’re giving.
“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:22
He says it’s ours. He says to keep asking. Not begging. Asking. Stating our case. Believing. With an expectant hope.
And then there is that part where we seek with a sacrifice. This is the place where we often find ourselves stuck. How bad are we seeking? Do we want it enough to let it cost us something?
“Howbeit, this kind goeth not out but by prayer & fasting.” Matthew 17:21
This evening I feel strongly there is someone who has been asking. Is in a place where they’ve stopped asking. Given up. Maybe even holds onto a hope and a wish but doesn’t keep asking. You might even be saying but God I asked you and I don’t understand why you’re not answering me. Or, you’ve resolved yourself to the fact that he already knows. So you’ll just wait. Patiently. Impatiently.
Are you letting the unanswered desire of your heart draw you closer and deeper to God. Or, are you sitting stagnant while you “wait” for the answer to come find you. Know that you are doing one or the other.
Friend, come to him. Come to him as a child. Full of excitement in your greeting, love in your heart, forgiveness of those who wronged you over and over again, and an unwavering belief that he is the most important thing in your life. And, ask. With a sacrifice of prayer & fasting. Relentlessly pursue with a level of persistence that is bar none.