I chose the picture with intention considering the title.
The burden I carry will be a testimony.
I’ve carried burdens I couldn’t understand. Why would it be me. How can I pray for that person. I don’t even like them. It’s not fair. They’ve done me wrong. And look at them. Nothing is changing. They don’t even really want it anyway.
But the burden remains. The prayer still happens. Cyclic of course. Some times with a little more enthusiasm than others. Waiting. Watching. Wondering.
There are times when we are so privileged to see the reward of our prayers. We watch that person find their way to an altar of repentance. The transformation begins. And it all feels worth it. Finally.
And there are times when the more we pray the worse it looks. I’ve actually wondered if I should stop praying. Maybe the devil would leave them alone if I did. That’s a tragic misguided thought. A lie. Straight from the devil in his feeble attempt to win.
This evening I was reminded of all the saints who went before me with prayer. The times they must have wondered why. From the outside I looked a mess. Because I was. I’m sure there were times they prayed only to discover my life had unraveled further and deeper than they could have imagined. Still they prayed. Some may have given up. Others persevered.
But God.
He knew all along exactly what I needed to find my way to him. He laid a burden on the heart of a few and gave them compassion for my messy life. To go before me. Intervene on my behalf. When I was lost and unable to seek him for myself. I just couldn’t find my way there.
He loved me that much.
When I was most unworthy of his love and pursuit, he loved me still. Enough, despite rejection. To relentlessly pursue.
And I’m so thankful he did. I was no more deserving than any other person lost in sin.
Where would I be if it wasn’t for his pursuit of love.
On Sunday one sentence reaffirmed my call to action. One sentence. I felt like was just for me.
If God places someone on your heart it is YOUR responsibility to go before the throne on their behalf.
I’ve paraphrased it but you get the point.
When God lays someone, whoever it is, on our heart to carry a burden for, it is OUR responsibility to petition the throne on their behalf.
Which sounds okay. For most of us. Until it costs us something. A little inconvenience. We might need to sacrifice a little sleep. Or, maybe a meal as we deny our flesh to draw closer to God on their behalf. Maybe we will earn a few strange looks from everyone else who can obviously see this person isn’t worth your time, energy, and prayer. We might even get ridiculed. Made fun of. Warned that we need to move on. Give up. And, sometimes we might think they’re right.
But God.
Friend, whoever you burden for today, I want to encourage you. Don’t give up. Keep praying. Keep seeking. They need you. Block out the distractions and noises around you nay-saying what you know God has given you to carry. Unlike you, they haven’t experienced Jesus as their Lord and Savior yet. When you can’t see the work God is doing; trust, stand firm. Shout your praise. God is at work. Making a way where there seemingly is no way. In a perfect way that brings glory to him so no one can deny his good works.
We must remember that our battle isn’t with the “person” or their sin. It’s not what we see with our human eyes. Our battle is fought much differently.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4
For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
Fan the flames (stir up) the spiritual gift of God. For God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. He has saved us, called us with a holy calling not according to works but his purpose and grace. For I KNOW whom I have believed and I AM persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him. 2 Timothy 1:6,7,9,12
I heard this song early in my journey of prayer for a couple of very special people that I carry burdens for. I thought I would share it with you as a reminder. That God is here. In our midst. Working. We worship him. Because he is the waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper, and light in the darkness.
Love, Bobbie