Bubble Wrap
One of the most joyous events at the house on an otherwise normal evening is opening the delivery package only to discover…bubble wrap. Admittedly, they’ve gotten a little crafty with bubble wrap these days. Bubbles of all shapes and sizes come out of the box. Rectangle, square, circle, large, and small. Oh but do not worry, friend, the result is the same. You push the bubbles irrespective of shape or size between your fingers or feet and they pop. Albeit some louder than others. They still pop.
Bubble wrap serves a purpose. If you can imagine. It serves a far greater purpose than the fun of popping the bubbles. Bubble wrap keeps the contents of the package safe and secure. As product ships from one destination to the next along the journey to its final resting place, the ride can be bumpy. Conveyor belts, loading docks, trailers, trunks, and people. Not to mention the elements of nature.
As you consider the journey your package takes to arrive safely on your doorstep one must acknowledge the bumps, shaking, dropping, and movement endured. All the while, contents are secure and safe. Thanks to bubble wrap.
Bubble Wrap of Life
The past few weeks have been challenging and bumpy along the path of life. I could list them all but the bumps aren’t the story. All of us experience bumps in the road on our journey from the earthly destination we currently live within and the eternal destination we seek. Granted, some of the bumps are potholes, rigid patches of pavement, or noisy gravel spewing rocks as we drive through. Others, let us be real, are sinkholes. My life felt bumpy then I realized I have been climbing out of the sinkhole. Slowly but surely. As I’ve climbed a few rocks have bounced by barely missing me. A time or two the rocks have scathed as they pass by.
Today I said out loud, life has been a blur for a few weeks and I need bubble wrap.
As I chuckled for a minute I realized that I have bubble wrap. I am covered in it. Sometimes, like bubble wrap, it’s large soft squares and others are small circle bubbles tediously conquered with great determination. Either way, I have bubble wrap gently tucked in around me protecting me from the elements of life. The bumps that rattle the contents of my life, the potholes that blow out a tire here and there, and the conveyor belts pushing me in one direction or another with or without the company of my fellow packages. I HAVE BUBBLE WRAP!
You see, Jesus says, if you are tired and weary seek me and I will give you rest. Isaiah 40
He also says bring your burdens to me as my yoke is easy and my burdens are light. Matthew 11
He says in His shadow I find rest. Psalm 91
His promise is that all things work together for the good of those who love him. Romans 8
He tells me when I am tempted he makes a way out for me. 1 Corinthians 10
He assures me his love never leaves me. Romans 8
You see, my God has made a way in every battle I face, if, I will look for him in the midst of this crazy chaotic life. I will see him. He will be found.
He is my bubble wrap. Covering me safely as I endure the bumps of this world on my journey from the temporary earth to the eternity of Heaven with Him. Bobbie