This blog post is the culmination of at least 4 separately written blogs over the past 2 weeks. Blogs I’ve written without publishing. Because they just aren’t quite there. Something was missing. That’s what happens when you fill in the message with your own words instead of His words. It’s just not quite right.
Here is to hoping this message blesses you at the beginning of the new year.
Holidays are a time when many of us reflect on life, where we are, and where we’ve been. As the New Year approaches we make a lot of commitments and promises that we refer to as resolutions. Mostly focused on the new you for the new year.
I’ve spent time pondering what my personal resolutions could be for 2020 too. Or, if I’m even going to make one. And I’ve been stuck with a lot of thought and little success. Frustrating.
You see I’ve searched as many of you, for the perfect holiday season. The one that feels Hallmark movie worthy. But I never seem to achieve it. My holidays aren’t terrible and I’m very blessed. They just never quite hit the “magical” feeling I see on tv.
So, this holiday season I worked diligently to be intentional as I experienced the season. I shopped with more enthusiasm and planning. Set, what I believe, to be healthy boundaries. Talked out loud to the Lord about all my woes in life. And then gave them to him. Slept later. Wore pajamas longer. And stayed up a little later at night. All very good things.
But I never seem to hit the perfect magical Hallmark worthy holiday season like many of you for probably a lot of the same reasons. I have regrets. Broken parts of my family that I can’t heal. Wishes that things were different. But they’re not and I can’t wish it differently enough. Through this I learned my first lesson. Give it to the Lord. He brings peace and comfort despite the discord and brokenness. When I let him orchestrate the imperfection of my life it remains good.
I enjoyed our holiday activities. Busy here and busy there. Busy with good things and good times. Honestly I was a little exhausted from all the busy. I spent time letting my heart search and my mind wander as I frequently do. Deep in thought. What would be my resolution for 2020? Did I have something I felt compelled to commit to? 2020 is here and I don’t have it.
Until yesterday morning. As I studied and read for the morning it all came together for me.
I am busy. Busy with life and busy with a lot of good things. I’m on the right path but I’m often distracted which results in a slower attainment of the goal. All the while the battles are happening. The enemy is seeking for opportunity to kill, steal, and destroy. If I’m so busy with life I don’t notice the ways he is seeking to attack and I’m not ready. It’s my job to be ready. Yes, enjoy this blessed wonderful life God has so graciously and mercifully given me. But, with a preparedness.
1 Corinthians 10:12-13 says this:
If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
Here are the key points that stuck out to me.
Be careful.
God is faithful.
WHEN you are tempted.
So, after all that, here is what I believe to be critical for each of us as we begin this new year. We WILL be tempted. We will face challenges. Get ready.
Be careful. How are we careful? We must prepare for the battles we will face before they come. Read. Pray. Study. Fast. Thoughtfully and carefully get our flesh in a place where our spirit is our strength and we are armored up and ready. Be weak. Let God be your strength. Be careful not to think your own strength is enough. It’s not.
God is faithful. He is. Are you? Am I? I’ll leave that there. Answer it with raw unfiltered honesty.
When we are tempted. It’s not if. It’s when. God makes a way. But WE have to choose to walk through the way he makes. It’s our responsibility to see the way and take the way. Not his responsibility. But, we won’t see the way, take the way, and know the way if we aren’t prayed up and looking for the way.
Be blessed. Pray up. Be ready.
Let’s be careful, return faithfulness, and be ready in 2020.